
This is human | machine, a musical solo project by Dominik Jain.

The project is essentially a channel for musical reflections of my state of mind. The name is threefold. First, it refers to a machine with human-like qualities, the utopian goal of my former field of research, artificial intelligence. Second, it conversely refers to the phenomenon of humans becoming more and more machine-like – functioning like mere cogs in a clockwork – as result of the heteronomy that is inherent in today's civilized society. Third, it refers to the human-machine interaction that underlies the production of my music, for the sound of a full band is not achievable without the interaction with my most familiar machine, the personal computer.

If I had to provide classification, I would most adequately describe my music as a blend of grunge, indie rock and britpop. Relevant influences include Radiohead, Nirvana, The Breeders, Pearl Jam, Pavement, Elliott Smith and Oasis.


a scent of daffodils
written 05/2014 by Dominik Jain
recorded 05/2014
download:  mp3
within the shell
written 04/2011 by Dominik Jain
recorded 04/2011, 03/2013
download:  mp3
written 05/2009 by Dominik Jain
recorded 05/2009, 03/2013
download:  mp3
written 07/2009 by Dominik Jain
recorded 07/2009
download:  mp3
utopian dream (demo)
written 04/2013 by Dominik Jain
recorded 04/2013, 03/2014
download:  ogg  mp3
written 09/2009 by Tanja Prade and Dominik Jain
recorded 09/2009
download:  ogg  mp3


Since I am very much a gear-head, who is always interested in the equipment used to produce music, here is my current gear.





other (virtual) instruments


under construction.

copyright notice

The content found on this website is free for personal use only. Redistribution of any content found on the site is prohibited.

All rights are reserved.


This website was designed by Dominik Jain. Quite a few resources for its creation were generously provided by fellow artists and programmers on the web.

Some design elements were created using art brushes created by deviantART members C130, corelila, Hest1a, QuizRens and Sajja, as well as brushes created by Dave Seipp.

The audio player on this website is based on the Circle Player extension of jPlayer.