Children's Books | Children's Plays | Clown/Comedy Plays | Short Stories | (Longer) Stories/Novels: | Terms of Use
Children's Books:
- with Kirstie Handel: Die Reise ins Schneeland [Journey to the Snow-Land]. »edition enfant«, München 2009.
Children's Plays:
- with Kirstie Handel: Die Reise ins Schneeland [Journey to the Snow-Land] (2006)
- with Kirstie Handel: Glucks, die Drachenbezwingerin [Glucks, the draggon-fighter] (2007)
- with Kirstie Handel: Glucks, die Überfliegerin [Glucks, the pilot] (2007)
Clown/Comedy Plays:
- with Kirstie Handel: Die Brautshow [The Bride-Show] (2006)
- with Kirstie Handel: Alles muss sauber bleiben! [Keep Everything Clean!] (2008)
Short Stories:
The text origin from the late 1980ies to the early-mid 1990ies. The noted year of origin was derived from the latest editing year of the file. Very likely, most text are in fact several years older.
- Abschalten (ca. 1992)
- Arbeitslos (ca. 1992)
- Der Desinfektor (ca. 1992)
- Distanz (ca. 1992)
- Efeu (ca. 1995)
- Einsamkeit (ca. 1992)
- Die Frau vom Doktor (ca. 1992)
- Das Gewissen des Anglers (ca. 1992)
- Großstadt (ca. 1992)
- Im Zug (ca. 1994)
- Kapitulation (ca. 1992)
- Die Krankheit (ca. 1994)
- Malzgeruch (ca. 1994)
- Ohnmacht (ca. 1992)
- Die Party (ca. 1992)
- Der Penner (ca. 1992)
- Rot (ca. 1994)
- Schulzeit (ca. 1992)
- So-nett(enkranz) (ca. 1995)
- Die Umarmung (ca. 1994)
- Unter aller Augen (ca. 1993)
- Verfall (ca. 1994)
- Verfolgt (ca. 1992)
- Videowelt (ca. 1993)
- Warten (ca. 1992)
- Was ich mir schon immer gewünscht habe (ca. 1994)
- Wer? (ca. 1994)
- Zu kurz (ca. 1994)
(Longer) Stories/Novels:
The noted year of origin was derived from the latest editing year of the file. Very likely, most text are in fact several years older.
- Die Machine (ca. 1992)
- Begegnung auf einer Herrentoilette oder die Entlarvung der Sprache als Sprache – Versuch einer Selbsttäuschung (ca. 1994)
- more to follow soon...
Terms of Use (for Download-Texts):
All download-texts are provided for private lecture. Without the permission of the author, they may not be changed, copied, redistributed nor in any other way be used for other purposes than private lecture. Have fun!
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